

Another Alpina, N° 3119, which will be for sale shortly. I receive the machine in sorry condition, because someone dropped it. Usually the crank is the first victim, but in this case the plastic cover of the clearing wheel on the right hand side cracked and three teeth were knocked of the clearing gear. This, if you know Alpina's, you know will manifest itself as a problem. You can do three clearings for every rotation of the clearing thumbwheel, but unfortunately the serrations on the wheel are not just for grip - they are actual gear teeth, and three of them missing means that every third clearing the small clearing gear on the inside is not rotated all the way around. The result is that the clearing interlock will keep a deadly grip on the insides of the Alpina, and the main crank can no longer be rotated. So something needed to be done. Luckily there are two identical specimens of these plastic castings in every Alpina, so I had a good gear to copy in a silicone mould, and then cast a new one with all its teeth. A few more comma indicators were fashioned in the same way, and the clearing cover was glued with superglue. Now, the machine is as good as new, and functions reliably.

Alpina picture 1

Alpina picture 1

Alpina picture 1

Alpina picture 1

Alpina picture 1

Mold for the clearing wheel (you can see the missing teeth on the left side in the clearing wheel that was replaced, and placed into the mold for this picture):

Alpina picture 1