
Hannovera B

The bigger sister to the Hannovera A is the Hannovera B. And a very impressive machine it is indeed. It has a capacity of 20 x 12 x 20, which also makes it interesting for use as a double machine, like the Brunsviga Trinks Triplex - but it comes without the refinement of two parts in the result register that can be cleared separately.

This machine is n° 2022, and is well-used, and in a bit of a state. Technically however, everything is fine, apart from the bell hammer that broke off, and the bell itself, which is missing.

The direction indicator, the gimmick of the owl eyes, could use a new lick of paint, and even then there seems to be an issue with the location of the owl itself in this machine, as there is part of the tens' carry drum that has to rotate past half of the right eye of the owl, so it would never look entirely right anwyay. For the same reason, the +/- direction indicator has moved to the top right of the owl logo instead of between the "Patent" and the owl.

Hannovera B picture 1

Hannovera B picture 1

Here's a view of the inside of the machine, with automatic direction selector and full tens' carry throughout the counter register.

Hannovera B picture 1

From just looking at pictures, you can easily be mistaken about the size of this beast. The problem is that for an increasing number of digits in the result, the pinwheel cylinder diameter needs to grow in order to be able to accommodate the tens' carries. It is no different here - the Hannovera B is a fair bit larger than a Hannovera A. And not just in width. In order to keep the numeral wheels the same size, everything else has had to grow. A first hint is the size of the bulge at the back, which houses the reversing drive for the counter tens' carry drum

Hannovera B picture 1

Here's a direct size comparison:

Hannovera B picture 1

Hannovera B picture 1

Hannovera B picture 1

Another thing missing in the Hannovera B which is clear from these pictures is the small knob behind the crank, which automatically resets the setting register to zero at every turn, so the machine can be used as an adding machine. The B does have the thumb button under the crank, which operates the setting register zero reset.

And finally, here's a portrait of the machine:

Hannovera B picture 1

Hannovera B picture 1

Hannovera B picture 1

Hannovera B picture 1