
Toshiba 20-TC

This is the bigger brother of the 13-TB: more digits, carriage shift under the main crank, quick return of the carriage, and (limited) tens’ carry in the revolution counter

After some light cleaning, it became clear that this tens’ carry was not playing ball. The transfer gears, which you can see above the revolution counter, were absolutely rusted solid on the axle.

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Luckily the side of the carriage comes off and allows to remove the entire axle.

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A good night’s soaking in penetrating oil accomplished exactly nothing, so it was on to the bench vise and channel lock pliers. This made short work of the 9 stuck gears, and a good cleaning later, everything could go back together and functioned as it should.

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A fun thing about this machine is that the covers for the machine itself and the carriage are one piece welded parts. That means that, if you put them all together, you can construct an empty “ghost” machine.

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This is the final portrait of the TC-20:

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And this is the painting onto the side - an inventory number ?

Finally, a family portrait that allows to appreciate how much larger the TC-20 is with respect to its little sister, the TB-13

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